Show number 2

OK..well thats the second show hot off the press and wrapped up for another week..our halloween special was lots of fun to do and was first broadcast on Friday 31st October. Our line up of hot bands and great new music includes 12 Stone Toddler, Gypsy squat pop project, Autumn Red and many more - a record 13 tracks are in this weeks show and they truly spotlight the diversity and sheer talent thats out there in Brighton and further afield (look out for two swedish acts featured this week). Theres also a new jingle and some expert glockenspiel(!?) to be heard so dont miss it - we had a lotta fun making it and im sure you'll have a lotta fun listening..dont forget to contact us in the usual ways if you want your music to be heard, or even if you just wanna say hello.. see you soon - same bat time, same bat channel.

Milton and Jim - Penflick Podcasts.

Video Of The Moment

Video Of The Moment

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